Sunday, April 11, 2010

Final Paper

For my final paper I am writing about my journey as a student from the beginning of Emergent Literature until its close. That is, from the reading of "Haroun and the Sea of Stories" ("Max A") until the reading of "The Following Story" ("Max Z"). I'm planning on framing my paper through comparisons of "Where the Wild Things Are" and comparing that Max's journey with this Max's journey. Joseph Campbell identifies the three characteristics of a journey as: Separation, Initiation, and Return. How have I separated myself now from myself then? What initiated this separation? And upon my return, how am I different? Essentially what I'm trying to figure out is how I have changed as a person through each aspect of this journey we call "Emergent Literature". My story will ultimately show my metamorphosis as a student through each of the themes in class, and show what I have learned about the nature of stories through two different books which deal with stories, The Sea of Stories and The Following Story.

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