Thursday, January 21, 2010

Thoughts of a 20 minute lifetime

What's weird, initially when i think of the 20 minute lifetime, for some reason "The Metamorphosis" by Franz Kafka comes into my mind. Gregor's life seems so short, simply a bugs domain, encompassing the little habitat which is his room. I can't say i myself have ever really felt a notion of the 20 minute lifetime. I guess i've dreamt about it, milliseconds seem like minutes, minutes seem like years and the years turn into a lifetime. It is a strange feeling to awake after such a dream because for the first few seconds your eyes are open and you really cannot figure out where you are, when it is, or how you've arrived at this place.

"Street Fighting Man" by the Rolling Stones just came on my itunes. Somehow its opening lines seem to fit. "Everywhere i hear the sound of marching, charging in the street, boy"

Does the saying, "Once in a lifetime" apply here. There's probably too many things i could count that i've done once in my lifetime so far - bungee jumping, skydiving, swimming with great whites, holding my godchild... things like these need to be done way more than once.

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