Wednesday, April 28, 2010

"Or did you think i was too stupid to know what a eugoogoolizer was??"/Last Blog

Emergent Literature passed away on Friday, April 30th, 2010. It will be remembered by all those who have graced its classrooms, and will live on in spirit through all the texts and blogs written about Literature. It is survived by Professor Michael Sexson. For the past 4 months, Emergent Literature has almost been a thorne in most peoples sides. Almost. But perhaps it will best be remembered for some of the texts its studentes studied while in class. Three Novels by Samuel Beckett, Finnegans Wake by James Joyce, The Tempest by William Shakespeare, Haroun and the Sea of Stories by Salman Rushdie, The Alchemist by Paul Cuelho, The Following Story by Ceest Nooteboom, The Four Quartets by T.S. Eliot, and The Skin of Our Teeth by Thorton Wilder. Or perhaps its students will solely take away lessons from the film versions of each theme: The Matrix, Star Trek: The Inner Light, Stranger Than Fiction, or the always popular, Groundhogs Day. One thing is for certain, each student will undoubtedly take away from this class, a new vision of what constitutes a novel. Whether highbrow or lowbrow, accessible or not, captivating or utterly devoid of interest - a new appreciation has been sought and granted to all who have graced through the doors of Emergent Literature. It will not be easily forgotten, no matter how much one tries, nor should it. The lessons we have learned, through Emergent Literature's life and death, is that these are the same; that death is a continuation of life, and ones spiritual being can and will live on for many generations long after their physical mass has left this planet. In summation, Thank you Emergent Lit. For the heafty life lessons you have ingrained into our heads, for the abstract thought with which you have provoked countless discussions, and for the abilities you have bestowed upon us to not only see the world through our eyes, but through the eyes of everyone who has come before us, everyone who is with us now, and everyone who will come after us...

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