Tuesday, April 27, 2010

What Seest Thou Else

We were told to ask someone "What Seest Thou Else In The Dark Backward and Abysm of Time?"

Although i have asked quite a few people, the end result is always the same - they stare, as if through me, and then completely disregard what i had previously said. I think the world today isn't interested in round about ways to ask a question. True, one can ask it in simpler terms, "what do you see/can you learn from the past", but it doesn't sound nearly as good. I believe we now have what prof. Sexson calls, "The Infantilization of Literature". This may be so, but is this really such a bad thing? Harry Potter and the Twilight series have brought books into homes and onto childrens shelves who probably would never really pick up a book. Just as FW and Ulysess have most likely turned some people off from "highbrow" lit because of the sheer complexity of the novels.

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